Spinning out a conversation for 45 minutes with someone you've never met is nowhere near as scary as it seems... In fact, it should be a breeze if you stick to a few key principles.
1. The First Chat - This is probably the easiest! Much of the time is taken up by introductions and getting to know what you're each interested in. Of course, it won't all be that so you'll need to have some good chat material up your sleeve even on day 1.
2. Get Them Talking! - They're paying for a chat with you - not a monologue! It's vital to ask them questions that they can develop on. Ask them opinions on topics and then get them to explain those opinions. Some will be very forthcoming and some will need a lot of jostling to give answers of more than three or four words ("I don't know" being a classic...). Try to catch yourself if you've started rambling about your favourite Big Brother series.
3. Be Prepared - Much like an a eager boy scout you should stick to this motto. A lot of us think we can make a career out of 'winging it' but, believe me, there are few things more awkward than petering out of chat with 25 minutes still to go. Asking exactly what it is they like about their dog doesn't buy you much time... So, whizz through the news beforehand, sweep through facebook for interesting links and even note down interesting stuff you've encountered that week. Remember: you can keep tabs open on your browser as you're chatting over Skype.
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